16th GLOBELICS International Conference ACCRA 2018

Dear Globelics community,
the Globelics Secretariat is releasing the call for papers for the 16th Globelics Conference in Accra, Ghana (24th – 26th  of October, 2018).

The main Conference theme for Globlelics 2018 is Innovation, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Strengthening Institutions for Greater Relevance, Effectiveness and Inclusivity.

The conference invites papers addressing the role of different types of actors such as the State, local or traditional authorities, global networks, universities and research institutions, private sector, non-governmental organisations / civil society organisations and media in generating innovation, building capacity and strengthening institutions for sustainable development and inclusive growth. In particular, it aims to explore new approaches to understand innovations and institutional transformations within countries, across different economic sectors, and different operation level (macro, meso and micro), without losing sight of contextual gender disparities.

The conference will also consider the need to tackle new challenges related to innovation and capacity building in addition to inclusive development in knowledge and political systems. The conference also welcomes papers studying how development policies can be implemented at different levels and across different countries to innovate out of emerging crisis of climate change, “resource curse”, youth unemployment, poverty, health and gender inequalities.

⇒  The Freeman Lecture will be delivered by Professor Mariana Mazzucato
(Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, University College London)

⇒  The keynote lecture  will be delivered by Professor Xiaobo Wu
     (National Institute of Innovation Management, Zhejiang University)

⇒  Ghana Visa Information


We will accept for full paper submissions under 12,000 words and original, in that it has not been presented before.

Important Dates:

 Call for papers  February 1, 2018
 Open for submission of papers  March 1, 2018
 Deadline for submission of papers  April 21, 2018
 Acceptance notification  *new date June 09, 2018
 Deadline for application for travel support  April 21, 2018
 Response to applicants for travel support  *new date June 15, 2018
 Conference registration  June 15, 2018
 Conference registration deadline   new date August 1st, 2018
 Last date for upload of final version of paper  September 15, 2018

*  The date of the disclosure of the results of paper submissions has changed.
It will take place on June 9th due to the high number of paper submissions
and the non-delivery of many reviews as planned.

Information regarding the acceptance to travel support will be on June 15th.

Call for papers:  For more details please, open here the attachment.

Conference website: www.globelicsconference2018.org

We would be grateful if you help disseminating this call.
We look forward to seeing you in Accra.



If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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