Globelics Membership

The basis of a democratic governance structure



The Globelics constitution was approved by the Globelics Scientific Board in November 2016One of the basic objectives of the constitution is to give the Globelics community a democratic governance structure based upon a strong membership.

Throughout 2017 the membership system and procedures for the election of members of the Globelics Scientific Board were implemented.

In 2018 the Globelics Scientific Board  has approved several changes in the Globelics Constitution.
The amendments for the affiliate program, following the new terms, began to be implemented in February  2019.
Important changes were shaped to make membership criteria more flexible.

Article 2 Section 1 now states:
“Membership is individual. And it is open to all those who fulfil the following requirements:

(a)  He/she has participated in at least one network activity (GLOBELICS or Regional LICS Conferences, GLOBELICS or Regional LICS Academy);
(b)  He/she submits a written application to the General Secretary of GLOBELICS, by completing an application form approved by the Scientific Board that affirms broad agreement with GLOBELICS aims and objectives, as well as providing some personal and academic data;
(c)   He/she has paid the annual dues. “

As stated in the constitution, membership is open to those who participated physically.

If you are interested in joining the Globelics membership program, and you meet the requirements described above, please fill the form clicking here:

Note: The new membership forms will be processed at the end of every month.

Read the updated Globelics Constitution  by clicking here

Rights and duties

Globelics members have the rights to:

  • Be included in the list of members at the Globelics website
  • Nominate candidates to the Globelics Scientific Board
  • Be nominated for the Globelics Scientific Board
  • Vote for members of Globelics Scientific Board

The constitution also states that membership is conditioned to the payment of an annual fee. But for 2017 the Scientific Board has decided to set this fee at 0$. Should this change in the near future, you will have the option to remain as a member or not.

You become a member by submitting a short online application to the Globelics Secretariat whereby you expres agreement with the Globelics objectives and provide some personal and academic data.

“Very soon, election process, become a member of GLOBELICS 2021”

How to become a Globelics member

The Globelics Secretariat hereby invites all active participants in the Globelics community to apply for membership by accessing the following link: Globelics Membership


If you have any doubt about the online form or need other information, please write to

We are glad to present, in accordance with our Constitution, the approved list of Globelics Members

Members Since February 2019

Members Since July 2017


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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