Standardization and Governance Dynamics in the Peruvian Alpaca Fibre Value Chain

Author(s): Vajk Miklos Lukacs de Pereny Martens and Ronnie Ramlogan.
Year: 2015.

This paper examines governance dynamics stemming from standardization in the Peruvian alpaca fibre chain. An empirically informed bi-dimensional framework resembling the chain’s fragmented supply-concentrated demand structure is applied to scrutinize vertical and horizontal interactions among domestic actors and institutions. Findings for the 1997-2013 period show that far from generic buyer-driven or quasi-hierarchical governance typologies, segmented governance modes co-exist but do not co- evolve within the fibre chain as standardization unfolds. Comparative case studies applying the proposed framework are encouraged in similarly structured commodity chains in the developing world for a more comprehensive understanding of governance dynamics.

Key Words: Global Value Chains, governance, standardization, alpaca fibre, development, Peru

Download: GWP2015-10


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