Call for Papers: 9th Conference on Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE)

UNU-MERIT is pleased to announce that the 9th Conference on Model-Based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE) will be held on 16-17 June 2016 in Moscow, Russia.

The conference will gather researchers from around the world to discuss various aspects of innovation and its relation to economic development. We have slightly changed the title of the conference to stress the particular aspects of this year’s edition, namely the topics of innovation and development and the model-based evidence approach.

In other words, we have enlarged the scope of the conference to include papers based on macro or industry data. Priority will be given to empirical papers, but there is also room for methodological and theoretical papers as well as for case studies, so long as they address the issue of innovation and development. Here innovation is to be understood broadly as any kind of innovation linked to what firms, households, communities and governments do, or how they operate. It also includes knowledge creation, diffusion, measurement and evaluation issues. Development comprises growth but also welfare, poverty alleviation, environmental concerns and fairness in the distribution of wealth / income.

Submission: Researchers are invited to submit their paper by 12 March 2016. Extended abstracts and incomplete papers are accepted for submission,but preference will be given to full papers. Please submit your paper on the Unu-Merit website. Notifications of acceptance will be given no later than 25 March 2016. All accepted participants will receive an official invitation letter to apply for a visa to enter Russia.

The conference will take place in The National Research University – Higher School of Economics, located in the centre of Moscow. To minimise administrative burdens there will be no registration fees, but each participant will be responsible for his/her own travel and hotel costs, and for the conference dinner.

Selected papers from the conference will be invited for inclusion in a special issue of the bilingual (English-Russian) journal Foresight and STI Governance (indexed in SCOPUS Q3).

Important dates:
Submission deadline: 12 March 2016
Notification of acceptance: 25 March 2016 -Sending paper to organizers: 9 June 2016 -9th MEIDE conference: 16-17 June 2016

The National Research University – Higher School of Economics, UNU-MERIT, Inter-American Development Bank

Local Organiser:
The National Research University – Higher School of Economics


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