Call For Papers: First Conference of UCL Centre for Comparative Studies of Emerging Economies (CCSEE)

Micro-Macro Determinants of Growth in Emerging Economies.


Although, it was thought that emerging economies could de-couple from advanced economies and become the main engine of global growth after the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, growth has actually slowed down in both developed economies and emerging economies. A variety of reasons have been provided to explain this slow growth, including:

  •  slowing technological change;
  • slower population growth;
  • balance sheet recessions created by the private debt overhang;
  • and insufficient demand when interest rates are already stuck at zero.

In the case of emerging economies, the current growth malaise is also related to the long-term difficulties for middle-income economies to converge to high-income status: the so-called “middle-income trap”. The objective of this conference is to focus on the long term and internal factors explaining low growth, i.e., those factors that arise from contradictions and internal constraints in a changing global environment. In particular, we want to focus on four dimensions that all strongly affect productivity and GDP growth in emerging economies:

(i) Micro-macro determinant of productivity
(ii) Financial development and the resilience of financial systems to crises
(iii) Technology upgrading, i.e. the transition from efficiency-based growth towards innovation-based growth.
(iv) The integration of emerging economies into the global economy

Confirmed keynote speakers include: Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School), Chiara Criscuolo (OECD), Paul de Grauwe (LSE), Slavo Radosevic (UCL), and Xiaolan Fu (Oxford)
Submissions that are of particular interest to countries in Central and Eastern Europe are strongly encouraged.

Dates: 20-21 June 2016, University College London (UK).

Submission deadline: 8 April 2016.

Selection will be based on a full paper or a 1000-word extended abstract to be sent, by Friday the 8th of April (cob) to the conference organiser:

Acceptance of submitted papers or extended abstracts will be confirmed by the 22nd of April.

To read more, download the call for papers information flyer: Conference 20-21 June 2016 – Call for Papers


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