Conference – Micro-dynamics, Catching-Up and Global Value Chains

November 20th-22th, 2019.
ICRIOS-Bocconi University.
Milan, Italy.

Submission deadline:
Tuesday, May 15th 2019

Strong preference will be given to quantitative work that focuses on micro-level analysis of manufacturing and services activities in Emerging Economies (Latin America, Asia, Africa). Specific topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
• Micro-level determinants of catching-up/productivity in manufacturing and services.
• Micro-level performance of domestic producers, MNEs, exporting firms (export processing zones).
• Firm-level evidence on sectoral and national innovation systems and on industrial upgrading.
• The role of SMEs/Start-ups to catching-up/Global Value Chains.
• Analysis linking Input-Output tables with micro-level information.

For details, open pdf here.


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