Election of the GSB – Results

We announce the new Globelics Scientific Board,

it is the first election conducted through online voting elected by its members.

Congratulation to the new board members:


1 – Americas
Male: Alexandre Vera Cruz and Gabriel Yoguel;
Female: Susan Cozzens and Marina Szapiro.

2 – Europe:
Male: Rasmus Lema and Edward Lorenz
Female: Cristina Chaminade and Michiko Iizuka

3 – Asia:
Male: K J Joseph and Keun Lee
Female: Jun Jin and Miranda Risang

4 – Africa:
Male: Oluseye Jegede and Kassahun Yimer Kebede;
Female: Erika Kraemer Mbula and Ann Kingiri

5 – Alumni
Male: Carlos Bianchi
Female: Marcela Suarez


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