Five AfricaLics PhD students arrive at AAU


The second batch of five AfricaLics Visiting PhD Fellows arrived in Aalborg on the 1st of February, and will be staying at the Department of Business and Management until the end of June. The AfricaLics Visiting PhD Fellowship, in collaboration with Aalborg University, offers African PhD students in the field of innovation and development an opportunity to study abroad at Aalborg University.

The PhD students will, among other things, be presenting their PhD research, making use of library facilities at AAU and participating in selected courses, lectures and meetings in relevant research groups, including the IKE and the IBC groups. The PhD students are not formally enrolled at AAU, but each PhD student is provided with a mentor from AAU in addition to their home university supervisor.


The objective of the fellowship is to expose African PhD students to an international research environment, as well as to give African PhD students time away from home to focus on their PhD dissertation. It is a challenge for many PhD students in Africa to access literature, thus the visiting fellows will benefit from the access to the library services at AAU. From a long term perspective the objective of the fellowship is to enhance the African PhD students’ prospects for taking part in innovation and innovation research in their home countries, thus helping to foster social and economic development.

The AfricaLics Visiting PhD Fellowships are a pilot activity of the AfricaLics project, which is supported by Sida, the Swedish development agency. The very first batch of AfricaLiscs PhD fellows visited AAU in the first half of 2015. AfricaLics is a regional chapter of Globelics – a worldwide community of scholars working on innovation and competence building in the context of economic development. The Globelics secretariat is based at AAU.

Find more information on the AfricaLics Visiting PhD Fellowship
 Find more information on AfricaLics


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