GLOBELICS ACADEMY 2018 – The 13th International PhD School on Innovation and Development

Tshwane, South Africa – 3rd December to 8th December 2018


The thirteenth International Doctoral Academy of Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (GLOBELICS) will be convened from the 3rd December until the 14th December 2018 in the City of Tshwane, in the Republic of South Africa. The 2018 edition of the International GLOBELICS Doctoral Academy is organised by the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI) of Tshwane University of Technology which co-hosts the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Scientometrics and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (SciSTIP) together with the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) of Stellenbosch University.


The International GLOBELICS Doctoral Academy specifically aims to enhance the capacities, capabilities, and competencies of doctoral candidates who are undertaking theoretically-informed and policy-relevant empirical studies on innovation, learning, and the interactive dynamics of competence-building for development. In the context of the concurrent, global and interconnected challenges confronting contemporary world-systems, participants are expected to gain critical insights into the complex processes of sustainability and in framing emergent alternative futures.  The broad theme of the 15th International GLOBELICS Doctoral Academy will be “National Systems of Innovation in the Next (also known as the 4th) Industrial Revolution: Conceptual Challenges and Policy Implications”.  The training will be based on critical keynote addresses, scholarly lectures, and presentations from the selected candidates. Student presentations are expected to focus explicitly on their on-going research, methodological challenges, and their contributions to the advancement of knowledge on innovation.


To qualify for participation, the PhD candidate should fulfil the following four requirements:

  • Registration at a recognised degree-granting higher education institution as a Doctoral candidate
  • Successfully defended their Research Proposal and be at least in their second year of study
  • Research Proposal explicitly covers issues related to science, technology, innovation, and development
  • Capacity and capability to present an original academic paper derived from their doctoral studies.


Student selection will be based upon evaluation of (1) an Extended Abstract of four pages describing the candidate’s research, (2) the applicant’s C.V., and (3) a recommendation letter from the supervisor and/or from another senior scholar. Participants will be selected on the basis of the alignment of their doctoral research with the theme of the 13th International GLOBELICS Doctoral Academy. A maximum of fifteen (15) participants will be selected for the 2018 edition.  Selection aims at encouraging participation from countries of the global South. Applicants from and based in OECD member states are not excluded but may be required to cover some of their costs whilst those from lower-middle- and low-income countries can apply for supportive funding.


Extended Abstracts must be typed double-spaced in English using a 12-point Time-Roman font. They must include research objectives, methodology, expected results, and emergent conclusions, from their Doctoral research, including supporting figures, and references (this could be in addition to the four-page limitation). Extended Abstracts and Applications should be sent, by the 1st October 2018, to the Local Secretariat Office (e-mail:  If approved, students must provide their full academic paper by no later than the 15th November 2018.  Funding will be selectively awarded on the basis of applications – students must specify in their application letter whether they require funding and provide an estimate of the least-cost amount required for travel expenses. As available funds cannot cover all students’ expenses, all applicants are encouraged to raise their own funding.


159 Nana Sita Street, Pretoria, 0001, City of Tshwane, Gauteng, South Africa

Telephone +27 12 382 3073, Facsimile +27 12 382 3071 •


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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