Globelics Conference postponed to November 3rd to 5th, 2021 in Heredia, Costa Rica

Globelics Conference postponed to November 3rd to 5th, 2021 in Heredia, Costa Rica

Dear Globelics community:

Please receive our greetings from the International Center for Economic Policies for Sustainable Development (CINPE) from Universidad Nacional from Costa Rica and from Globelics.

Some days ago we announced the postponement of Globelics Conference due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, we would like to announce that the 17th Globelics Conference will be held in Heredia, Costa Rica, November 3rd to 5th 2021.

In the middle, we are going to have some on-line activities that will be announced soon, in order to keep the community active discussing our ideas and strategies from innovation approaches.

We will keep all the papers presented this year in the Conftool platform, but we will not continue with the process of revision. A new call for paper will be diffused at the end of this year with new dates for submission and review of papers.

The colleagues who have already presented a paper will have to present it again according to the dates of the new call for papers. The process of revision and selection of papers will take place next year. People who presented the application for travel support this year should follow the important dates of the new call for papers and submit it again in 2021.

If you are interested in joining the Globelics membership program, and you meet the requirements described in our constitution, please fill the form clicking:

Globelics Membership


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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