Good News for the Globelics community – Changes in the Globelics Membership Program make it easy for new members to join

The Globelics Scientific Board has changed the Membership Criteria. The changes proposed are oriented to make the criteria more flexible.

Article 2 Section 1 now reads:
“Membership is individual. And it is open to all those who fulfil the following requirements:

(a) He / she has participated in at least one network activity (GLOBELICS or Regional LICS Conferences, GLOBELICS or Regional LICS Academy);

(b) He / she submits a written application to the General Secretary of GLOBELICS, by completing an application approved by the Scientific Board that affirms broad agreement with GLOBELICS aims and objectives, as well as providing some personal and academic data;

(c) He / she has paid the annual dues. “

Note that in 2019 the annual dues are not defined and will not be charged.

From now onwards membership applications will be permanently opened till 2 months before a new election to the board.

If you are interested in joining the Globelics Membership Program please register here.

For more information, please see the Globelics Constitution at the following link: Constitution of Globelics.


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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