LALICS 2019 – initiate the call for papers

PhD Academy

19-24 September, 2019
Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Latin America’s Knowledge Systems, Innovation and Capacity Building Research Network (LALICS), Young Scholars Initiative – Institute for New Economic Thinking (YSI INET), and Red PYMES initiate the call for papers to the II LALICS/YSI-INET/Red PYMEs PhD Academy.
For details, open pdf here.

The aim of the Academy is to contribute to the capacity building of doctoral students for the development of their theses, both at the theoretical and empirical level, in subjects related to the analysis of innovation and development processes in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to LALICS research areas. Additionally, as part of the activities of the Academy, participating students will have a special fee to participate and present papers at the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Mercosur Pymes Network to be held from September 25 to 27 in the same venue as the Academy: National University of Rosario. The Red PMES Mercosur Network is one of the longest-lived thematic networks in the region, with almost 25 years of existence with members from Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Argentina (//

For more details on how to apply, important dates, travel stipend and accommodation and the Scientific Committee, please check at:


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