Our Impact

From Networking to Social and Economic Development

Globelics is an open network of scholars with different backgrounds in terms of scientific disciplines, age, gender, and national origin. This means that the objectives of the organisation are broadly defined and diverse. Nonetheless, the common characteristics of the participants in the network are:

  • The commitment to promote inclusive and sustainable social and economic development.
  • A strong focus on an improved understanding of  how innovation and competence building links to economic development.

Our annual conference brings together people from all over the world from many different disciplines. Many participants report that the conference is very important for upgrading the quality of their work as: Researchers, teachers, practitioners and as members of networks. In 2015, 87% of participants who received travel support from Globelics said that the conference had improved their ability to contribute knowledge on learning and innovation related issues to society and firms.

High quality research is crucial for making an impact on policy making activities. Many of our conference participants are actively involved in different ways.  Some examples of this involvement, as stated by some of the participants at the 2015 conference, include:

“I am involved in writing articles for newspapers, taking policy briefs to policy makers, and having workshops with policy makers”

“I am frequently hired by state organizations and international agencies (ECLAC, UNESCO, IADB, etc.) to carry out applied research projects.”

“I conduct policy relevant research and present results to policy makers. I am also involved in a number or trans disciplinary research that includes policy makers.”

There are many outcomes from our conferences. The most important ones are that conferences:

  • Aid in capacity building,
  • Allow young scholars to get feedback on their work,
  • Facilitate the formation of networks,
  • Help to establish co-operative projects and improve the ability for scholars to engage in policy making activities.

Another important outcome is the establishment of other networks worldwide. These Regionalics are involved in a range of activities, including: workshops, seminars, visiting fellowship programmes and regional conferences.

The model below illustrates the Theory of Change behind the way Globelics (and affiliated regional networks) work. By creating platforms for research training and South-South/North-South collaboration, we hope to enhance the knowledge base for action and ensure more researchers and practitioners have a thorough understanding of the links between learning, innovation and competence building on the one hand, and social and economic development on the other. It is expected that this will contribute to improved development strategies and national policies on innovation and and development with the ultimate goal of contributing to inclusive and sustainable social and economic development.


If you have any questions about Globelics, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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