The concepts of inclusive innovation and inclusive development have become widely used in international organisations and donor organisations. Several national development donor organisations have started to utilise it in their aid programmes. This is a broadly based change, not only in terminology, but also in the way we think about development.
Björn Johnson
Allan Dahl Andersen
Download the open access e-book “Learning, Innovation and Inclusive Development”
Printed versions are out of stock.
How can an internationally coordinated development of low-carbon learning, innovation, and comperence building systems contribute to climate change mitigation? This review brings together the development, climate change, and innovation agendas to offer insight into an innovation perspective on low-carbon development.
Rasmus Lema
Björn Johnson
Allan Dahl Andersen
Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Ankur Chaudhary
Download the open access e-book “Low-Carbon Innovation and Development”
Printed version can be requested in limited numbers by contacting the Globelics Secretariat.
Monoculture implies vulnerability and instability. Therefore, the key issue for the countries now specialised in the production and export of natural resource commodities is to engage in an economic transformation where a diversified economy is built upon the natural resource base. This review offers insight into innovation and development perspectives on natural resources.
Allan Dahl Andersen
Björn Johnson
Anabel Marín
Dave Kaplan
Lilia Stubrin
Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Raphael Kaplinsky
Download the open access e-book “Natural Resources, Innovation and Development”
Printed versions can be requested in limited numbers by contacting the Globelics Secretariat.
This review aims at presenting a fresh look at how innovation systems thinking may contribute to strengthening health systems in low and middle income countries. In doing so, it presents a new framework (the “4Fs”) for analysing and understanding how health systems do or do not lead to effective, inclusive and equitable health outcomes.
Rebecca Hanlin
Margrethe Holm Andersen
Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Joanna Chataway
Download the open access e-book “Health Systems Strengthening: Rethinking the Role of Innovation”
Printed versions can be requested in limited numbers by contacting the Globelics Secretariat.
The Globelics Thematic Reviews are edited by the Globelics Secretariat. The objective is to communicate insights from the Globelics community to policy circles and development donor organisations. Each review focuses on a seperate theme, in format relevant and accesible to users outside academic circles. It gives an overview of research outcomes as well as reflections on policy implications. The purpose is to inspire future research and to influence policy.