Read the Globelics constitution

At the latest Globelics Scientific Board meeting the 15th October 2016 in Bandung, Indonesia, the Board unanimously agreed on a Globelics Constitution. The decision to establish a constitution for Globelics has been prepared over the last three years.

The aim is to give scholars who are active in the Globelics network the opportunity to become Members of Globelics and through voting procedure to influence the composition of the Globelics Scientific Board.

Read the Globelics Constitution

One implication is that Globelics will establish a formal Membership in the beginning of 2017. Members who subscribe to the preamble in the constitution and who have taken active part in Globelics conferences will be offered to apply for membership. Members can be nominated as candidates to become members of the next Globelics Scientific Board, they can themselves nominate candidates and finally they can give their votes in the election.

More information on how to become a Member of Globelics will soon follow!


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